
Brown Innovations Solves Savannah's Trolley Noise Problem with Directional Speaker Technology

SAVANNAH, GA – Brown Innovations, a leader in directional audio technology, has successfully implemented its advanced directional speaker system to resolve noise pollution concerns in Savannah's historic district. This innovative solution helps tour operators comply with the city's new 2024 sound legislation, which limits amplified sound from open-air trolley tours.

Savannah's Downtown Historic District, known for its charm and tranquillity, faced mounting complaints from residents about excessive noise caused by trolley tour amplification systems. The Savannah City Council responded by passing an ordinance aiming to lower the noise level while still maintaining tourism with quality of life. Trolley tours were at risk of being cancelled without a solution.

Old Town Trolley Tours of Savannah, a premier tour operator, sought an audio solution to preserve passengers' immersive tour experience while minimizing disruption to the community. They turned to Brown Innovations, whose directional speakers deliver sound directly to passengers, dramatically reducing spillover noise.

"Our directional speaker technology transforms how tour operators manage sound," said Jeremy Brown, CEO of Brown Innovations. "Directing audio only to those on the trolley eliminates disruptive noise while ensuring visitors enjoy Savannah's rich history."

Brown Innovations' technology directs sound in a narrow beam, minimizing noise pollution and complying with the city's new regulations. Since installing directional speakers on Old Town Trolley vehicles, feedback from city officials and residents has been highly positive. Savannah’s Special Events, Film, and Tourism department has approved the solution as an effective noise control measure.

The commitment of Brown Innovations to creating audio solutions that integrate community needs with advances in technology is demonstrated by this project. Innovative, eco-friendly sound systems for museums, digital signage, and stores are still being developed by the group. 

For more information about Brown Innovations and its directional speaker technology or to schedule an interview, please email or call (773) 477-7500.

About Brown Innovations

Brown Innovations pioneers directional audio technology that enhances sound quality while reducing environmental impact. Based in Boston, MA, the company serves clients worldwide, delivering solutions that harmonise tradition and technology.

About Old Town Trolley

Tourists have been given an interesting and informative approach to discover the city's interesting history by Old Town Trolley Tours of Savannah, which has been providing a unique and immersive perspective on Savannah's renowned past for over 30 years.

Brown Innovations NAB 2019

Brown Innovations introduces directional audio technology for the broadcast industry.

Our EJ-22 and SB-1RU can be used in master control bays, editing stations and production consoles eliminating the need for isolating and uncomfortable headphones.

NAB 2019 - Brown Innovations shows directional technology in broadcast consoles.

NAB 2019 - Brown Innovations shows directional technology in broadcast consoles.

Brown Innovations SB-1RU  1 Rack Unit speaker

Brown Innovations SB-1RU 1 Rack Unit speaker

Brown Innovations EJ-22  into consoles eliminates need for headphones

Brown Innovations EJ-22 into consoles eliminates need for headphones

Brown Innovations Directional Audio Technology in Miami: Demonstration at Shore Club South Beach May 10th-11th

Brown Innovations is a 20 year old company that makes directional audio products capable of creating isolated audio zones. Our speakers are in every commercial environment indoors and outdoors such as hospitals, universities, outdoor kiosks, digital signage, museums, trade shows, lobbies and … hospitality. Our patented technology allows you to create a zone of  high fidelity audio and focus it to just one person or a large group without disturbing surround areas and neighbors.

The Shore Club Hotel has been forced to turn off audio by the outdoor pool areas due to complaints, and they have asked us to solve their problem.

We have a solution. Our engineers have developed a high powered directional speaker and subwoofer ( ) and we will be demonstrating our technology  May 10th and 11th in the outdoor pool area of the Shore Club Hotel South Beach.

Our directional speakers are for every location in Miami that has been struggling to comply with city ordinances.  Business owners can stop worrying about fines for noise violations, and complaints from angry and frustrated residents.

Please let me know a time you can stop by and I will make myself available to introduce you to directional audio.   maria@browninnovations.comn


Washington Museum Installs Directional Speakers For Touchscreens

At the Flying Heritage & Combat Armor Museum in Everett, Washington, a new exhibit offers a directional audio experience unlike anything you've ever heard.  Why War: The Causes of Conflict offers a highly interactive experience that includes numerous directional speakers. These directional speakers  focus sound to targeted listening areas, primarily in front of large-scale touchscreens mounted side-by-side.  Directional speakers for museums are essential to preventing audio spill between displays. Thanks to our SonicBeam directional speaker technology, visitors experience unique audio presentations at each touchscreen. 

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10 Applications for Directional Speakers

1. Retail

It's no secret that blaring sound will get your display unplugged. That's why directional sound is so important for retail applications. High quality directional speakers will deliver your message and prevent audio from spilling into unintended listening areas. Our directional speakers have even been used for outdoor retail applications.


2. Airport 

Directional sound is the perfect solution for airport applications. Between screens running news, kiosks and interactive displays, directional speakers prevent airports from becoming cacophonous spaces. 


3. Museum 

Directional speakers are essential to museum environments, especially when multiple displays are installed in close proximity to one another. We are all too familiar with applications like these. But what about broader zones? Directional speakers for larger zones where sound must be contained are the perfect solution. 

4. Restaurant

The possibilities are limitless in restaurant applications. From beaming sound to people seated across a bar to focusing audio to entire tables, directional speakers are the perfect solution for showing multiple games with audio in a single space. Or in multiple spaces! 

5. Videoconferencing

Directional speakers are a game-changer for videoconferencing applications. Especially when they're paired with highly directional microphones where the videoconferencing takes place in a public environment. 


6. Education

Schools, colleges and universities have created incredible collaborative learning environments using directional speakers. 


7. Control Room 

For control room operators, wearing bulky headphones for hours at a time can be cumbersome and uncomfortable. Thanks to sound domes and other directional speakers, operators can work for hours without the annoyance of troublesome headphones. 

8. Dance Floor

Believe it or not, directional speakers can be used to focus sound to large zones like dance floors. Gone are the days when outdoor clubs worried about noise ordinances and disturbing nearby neighbors or residences. With directional subwoofers, it's easier than ever to focus high quality sound. 

9. Kiosks

Flush-mountable directional speakers discreetly deliver sound to kiosk users, in indoor and outdoor applications. 

10. Banking 

In a banking application, our directional speakers are perfect for videoconferencing with bank tellers. A directional microphone allows the user to keep their voice at a low level, while a directional speaker above keeps sound focused to the user's ears. 


3 Reasons You Need Directional Speakers in Your Next Project

1. To Keep Your Audio Under Control

Imagine you're an employee at a retail chain. An AV company recently installed a nearby interactive display, but they outfitted it with traditional speakers. Sound blaring, you have not choice but to save your sanity and unplug the display. 

This is a scenario we are all too familiar with. Most have learned the lesson to not use traditional speakers in public environments - they send sound everywhere. A great directional speaker keeps sound focused to targeted listening zones - and sounds good too.    


2. To Always Keep Your Audio at the Perfect Volume

But what happens in your store over the course of a day? In the morning, it is quiet. But when the doors open,  the ambient noise can fluctuate greatly over the course of the day. 

The solution? SmartVolume, an integrated microphone that continuously samples the ambient noise. Based on these samples, the volume raises or lowers to keep your audio at an appropriate level above the ambient noise at all times. 

3. To Cover an Area With Sound That Fits Your Needs 

Most directional speakers focus sound to one person only. And that's great if you want to focus sound to just one listener. But what if you want to focus sound to 5 people, or 10 people, or a broad zone? 

We make directional speakers that cover any size area with sound. Our SB-47s can be used with  directional subwoofers to deliver full-sounding audio inside the listening zone, and not disturb others. No matter what your application calls for, a directional audio solution exists that fits your needs and budget. 


